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Isnin, 9 Januari 2012 ❖ 7:56 PG ❖ 0 talks
Assalamualaikum Blogger..
hihii dh lame x on berbloging..
wahh dh bersawang dh choco nyer blog..jap meyhh mau bersihkan..

Huh hahaa kn dh jelas..
kotor sungguh blog choco...
harap choco x terlambat untuk ckp
"WELCOME 2012"

...yeahhh I feel happy to say goodbye to 2011..
n welcome 2012...

wahh choco memg bz sand-II coz dh lme x on9..
yelee choco dh student again..
hihii SPM katekn..
nk jdiek pljr cmrlg...hehee...

wahh choco ader byk story yg x lerghh dilupekn...
choco hppy giler-II coz owg pertma yg choco nmpk time 2012 si die...
choco syg teddy sangt-II...thankss a lot...

choco x bolerghh luperkn kuar bersama teddy..
choco harp sangt yg teddy bukn mcm owg len...

oker lahh choco cumer nk singgh bersihkn blog nier...
choco pon nk tmpukn my study dorry sangt dear blog...
choco x lupe kt syg pon...
oker lah..

nty choco singgh lamer lgy k ...
Bubye Blog....

Welcome to my blog! Please be nice here n don't forget to follow me, k?

Nur Laila Binti Ibrahim.student.single.happy n friendly person.the lover person.

Template Designer: Nur Sha
Editor: Nurin and Sha
Owner: ✿choco✿